Success Stories

Success Stories

Redecam offers highly engineered air pollution control solutions helping customers all over the globe meet their air emission reduction targets rapidly and cost-effectively. Redecam has a significant technology center at its headquarters in Milan, Italy. They wanted to open a US office that would give them a base for expanding across North America without compromising the service they offer to their clients. They needed a small, flexible office that would allow them to grow as needed. They also wanted access to talent to help them grow and use of state-of-the-art facilities for flow analyses and mechanical design closer to their growth market here.

GOM develops, produces and distributes software, machines and systems for industrial and automated 3D coordinate measuring technology and 3D testing based on latest research results and innovative technologies. GOM’s headquarters is in Germany, but have been selling their products in the US for years through a distributor. They wanted to open a US office and begin direct sales and services to customers in North America. They sought a small, flexible office to begin with, but one that would allow them to grow as needed.